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| Author: 28

Hold fast to Him

Friend, do not faint beside the way Remember always, come what may, That God can all your fears allay. Hold fast to Him.
Forsaken by your fellowman,
Alone with no more strength to stand,
Reach to clasp God's outstretched Hand.
Hold fast to Him.

When even Christian friends spread doubt,
God has all power, He can rout
The fear within, the foe without.
Hold fast to Him

Where is the joy that is your might?
Why can you not see the light?
Walk by faith and not by sight.
Hold fast to Him

God feels your pain; He hears your cry,
He's promised help; on the rely!
He's not a man that He shuld lie.
Hold fast to Him

In Him is rest and perfect peace,
The power to make all storm winds cease,
His victory brings sweet release.
Hold fast to Him.

A Poem by Diane Thompsonn
copywrited 1996 Larmar Thompson